Religion: Let's Talk With Jerry

By Jerry Donovan, First United Methodist Church —

Wednesday was the 12th anniversary of the terrorist attacks on the
United States that have changed the way we live. I found this prayer
offered on the behalf of all those dead and injured since then.

“I praise you, O God, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made.” – Psalm 139:14

In the wonder of the moment we marvel at eyes that see the clear blue
of sky, hands that feel the hand of a loved one beside us, feet that
feel the solid earth beneath and ears that hear the breeze rustle the

Every part of our body is a portal for knowing you, O God, and we are silenced at the mystery of it all.

And then:

We see images of those eyes that have witnessed the gassing of hundreds of people in Syria.

We feel the hands of those who are near to death tucked gently into
ours as we seek to be present in hospitals and nursing homes.

We remember that for so many the earth beneath their feet is not
solid, but shakes with the explosion of bombs or gives way beneath the
water of floods.

We remember that there are too many ears that hear only weeping and screaming. 

And then we feel our hearts heave and sigh within us and we turn to you and ask: O Lord how long?

We are reminded of the voice of the prophets that have sung out
through centuries proclaiming your word and calling your people to
action, to repentance, to the hard work of making peace and proclaiming
your way.

We would be your prophets in these days, faithful in action and
thought, passionate in dream and vision. When we are tempted to shrink
back and think one person can do nothing, remind us of the great
prophets like Isaiah and Jeremiah, but also of Martin Luther King, Jr.

As we celebrate fifty years since the march on Washington D.C., grant
that our stirring memories of that time may be transformed into
faithful action for our time.

You have made us for your purpose and claimed us for your work. We
marvel at all it means to be created in your image and knit together by
your loving hands. In these days strengthen us to wage peace as so much
of the world settles for war.  Strengthen us to speak when it is so much
easier to remain silent. Remind us that we are finally one human family
living in one global community. We are one people bound by one hope;


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