Groundwater Public Hearings for set for June 7

By Edna Clark

The Culberson County Groundwater Conservation District (CCGCD) met on Wednesday, May 10, with four of five members present.  In attendance were Vance Cottrell, Lane Brewster, Cruz Parada, and David Robb.  Member Cuco Corralez was absent from this monthly meeting.

District members approved a Tax Resale Bid Request from Juan Apodaca for $1500.  Ten acres of land located east of Van Horn will be returned to the tax rolls under the approval.

Additional property for rebid that has been heavily contested locally was tabled pending legal opinions from the Culberson County Appraisal District, Culberson County, and Culberson County Hospital District.

General manager Summer Webb advised members that new databases are available which will allow groundwater permit owners to submit usage data online.

Mrs. Webb related that she had participated in a water usage symposium in Alpine.  She and Dr. Al Blair also attended a conference in Austin.

Dr. Blair was able to obtain information during the conference that might be helpful in recharging the groundwater in the Lobo Valley Aquifer.

As reported in April, the Culberson County Groundwater Conservation District will hold Public Hearings on June 7, at 12:00 noon.

Citizens of Culberson County are invited to attend the Public Hearings to provide oral and written comments to the CCGWCD regarding proposed permits.

Mrs. Webb made members aware that applications for water wells drilling from Dahjur Burro Minerals and Hughes Apache Ranch had been received and approved for compliance and completion.

The regularly scheduled monthly meeting for June will be held on June 7, immediately after the Public Hearings.


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