City Council approves new Animal Control Regulations

CCAISD Robotics Coach Adrian Norman addresses City Council asking for support with an out of state competition.

Photo by Edna Clark

by Edna Clark

Van Horn City Council met on Wednesday, March 14, for a regularly scheduled meeting with four of five aldermen present and Mayor Glenn Humphries presiding.

The Van Horn High School Robotics Team, including Sponsor Adrian Norman and seven team members, addressed Council on upcoming robotics competitions in Kinder, Louisiana. On March 4, the Robotics Team competed in Lubbock and finished in 19th place after a motor went out on the unit. Being able to compete against students from all over the country is from March 23– 26 is an unexpected honor for some hardworking, enterprising young men and women. They have already earned much of the entry fee of $4,000 plus expenses; however, they needed help with covering the cost of the entire trip. The City Council graciously extended accolades of praise and donated $2,000 for this worthy cause.

In further business, Council approved the renewal of a 2017 contract with Paradigm for the collaborative program of the gas company that is mandated by the Railroad Commission of Texas. Public input on gas services is required by the Railroad Commission.

Paradigm designs public input packets that are mailed to all citizens. Inside the packet will be self addressed postcards that citizens need to complete and return to the Railroad Commission. There is no postage charge for citizens to return mail the postcards; just complete the information and drop them off at the post office.

New technology will be available to the residents of Van Horn in the form of a micro-chipping system to identify household pets in the area. Council approved the microchip which will be injected into pets by trained City employees. The microchip can be read via computer and allow pets that might have strayed or taken from home to be returned to their owners.

Please note that this is a voluntary program that will cost a onetime fee $25 per pet. Pets that have the microchip no longer will be required to re-new the annual license that is currently required.

Any pet, however, that does not have the microchip for identification remains subject to the annual license at a cost $5 per year. Pet owners who have neither the microchip nor annual license may be fined under City ordinances.

Resolution NO. 17-03-002 was passed by Council to suspend a rate increase from El Paso Electric Company for 90 days. After the 90-day grace period, El Paso Electric will increase its charge for electricity for the Town of Van Horn.

As of this time, El Paso County will see a 20% increase in electricity rates and has filed suit against the electric company to prevent such a drastic rate increase. The Town of Van Horn will reap the benefits of a successful law suit.

Council approved Resolution NO. 17-03-003 which allows for a separate checking account called the Jubilee Reserve to fund the Jubilee which is held every five years. In years past, the City had paid out up to $10,000 in a bulk sum for Jubilee finances. With the creation of the separate checking account, annual deposits of lesser amounts will be made, thereby preventing a possible money hardship for the City at Jubilee time.

The Mountain View Golf Course will be closed from March 20 – 27 for maintenance and reseeding.


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