Record Breaking Big Bend Ranch Rodeo in Alpine this year

Alpine, Tx—–The 2017 Big Bend Ranch Rodeo is now in the record books.  The August 11th-12th event was full of excitement, sportsmanship and suspense.  The best cowboys from Texas and New Mexico are always amazing showing off their skills.  We continued the “2 go” format and the cowboys provided lots of excitement and entertainment each evening.

CONGRATULATIONS  to the Thompson Ranch from Munday, TX who were the 2017 BBRR Champions.  Besides cash and prizes, the team wins an automatic bid to the Working Ranch Cowboys Association World Championships held in November in Amarillo, TX.  The Thompson team scored points in all five events on both Friday evening and Saturday evening.

The Thompson Ranch, owned by Larry Thompson and managed by Tyler Thompson, is a cow/calf operation and brands a DOUBLE T.

Thompson Ranch team members are Captain Tyler Thompson, Kolton Burnett, Chace Thompson, and Chad Williams.

JP, a 7 yr old Bay gelding by ridden by Bill Angell from the Angell Ranch. JP was named Top Horse of the 2017 BBRR by judge Apache Adams. Tyler Thompson, from the Thompson Ranch team, was named the Top Hand of the rodeo by BBRR judges Brand Cude and Jay Hurt..

Placing second was the Diamond H/+C team from Gunter, TX and third place went to the Angell Ranch from southeastern New Mexico.

Results from the other weekend events are:

RHAA Competition:

Wrangler Class: 1st Place, Travis Alcorn, 2nd Place, Becky White

Cowboy Class:  1st Place, Lane Oles, 2nd Place Colten Jackson, 3rd Place, Colten Jackson                           

Ranch Hand Class:  1st Place, Randy White, 2nd Place, Dee Oles

Junior Class:  1st Place, Wes Housler, 2nd Place, Randy White, 3rd Place, Wes Housler

Senior Class:  1st Place, Kelsey Mosby Thomas, 2nd Place, Elizabeth Yeary

Youth Working Cowhorse Competition:

Juniors (12 and under):  1st Place, Ryder Gass, 2nd Place, Skye Pate, 3rd Place, Alejandra Urias

Senior Event (13 and over):  1st Place, Rance Peebles 2nd Place, Evin Means, 3rd Place, Jordan Driver

The winner of each class in this youth competition wins an automatic bid to the Championships in Amarillo.

This rodeo drew great crowds each night, many people traveling long distances to the Ranch Rodeo experience in West Texas.  The rodeo has been supported by many Big Bend community businesses, without whose support this Rodeo would not be possible.  THANK YOU to everyone who has supported us.

We have already starting planning for the 2018 Big Bend Ranch Rodeo so, mark your calendar for August 10-11, 2018.  You do not want to miss the fun!


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